BERA Conference 2010: BERA Keynote Symposia 4, 5 & 6

Enhancing Professional Learning through creating a'New Professionalism' in Initial Teacher Education

Overview Central to our consideration of the role of initial teacher education at Liverpool Hope University for the 21st Century is recognition of the need to develop a professionalism that allows students to relate to other professions in an effective way and engage in inter-professional activity in the context of the integrated children

(Click on an abstract title to view it in PDF format.)

Abstract Code Title
0100 Developing an integrative methodology to explore variations in experiences of partnership leading to a reconceptualised model of partnership
0101 Inter-professional collaborative learning: Key variations in meaning and understanding within the context of ITE at Liverpool Hope University
0102 The Role of the Centre for the Child and Family in contributing to the development of the 'New Professional' in Initial Teacher Education

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