BERA Conference 2010: Main Conference Parallel Session 3

Practitioner research in physical education

This symposium brings together the Practitioner Research and Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Special Interest Groups. This amalgamation explores Practitioner Research in Physical Education, and the conjoining of these two groups provides a unique opportunity to investigate the work of practitioners within this 'marginal' curriculum activity. Furthermore, the diverse curricula interests of the presenters develops this notion of marginality as a focus on dance and masculinities is juxtaposed with issues around busyness and the systemic demand for continued professional development. The foci of dance, pedagogical development and the gender gap further highlight the position of physical education on the 'border lands' on the educational landscape, and is certainly capable of providing new insights into both practitioner research and the traditions of pedagogy that have limited physical education for the last half a century (Kirk, 2009). Elliott (2009) recently argued that education research is carried out with the practical intent of increasing the educational worth of any classroom interaction. In all the papers in this symposium this underlying ambition is a central theme in the teachers

(Click on an abstract title to view it in PDF format.)

Abstract Code Title
0200 Educational action research: a means of coping with the systemic demands for continual professional development in physical education?
0202 Physical education teachers' learning, gender knowledge, and professional practice
0673 Recreating the man in the mirror: reflections on the use, misuse and non-use of dance within physical education

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