BERA Conference 2010: BERA Keynote Symposia 1, 2 & 3

The BERA/UCET Review of the Impacts of RAE 2008 on Education Research Units

The proposed symposium would bring together existent evidence on the impact of the RAE 2008 on different aspects of education research in all countries of the UK. In particular, it will draw on a review of the impacts of RAE 2008, funded by UCET with BERA (Oancea, Furlong and Bridges, 2010). In addition, it will draw on the experience of several members of the RAE 2008 panel (Brown, Bridges, and Furlong), on a published review of the literature on research assessment (Oancea, 2009) and on the experience of the EERQI project (Bridges). Thus the symposium would draw on different sources of evidence and perspectives to address a common issue, and would engage with the audience through a panel session. The UCET/BERA Review analysed the influence of RAE 2008 outcomes and processes on a) individual departments; b) different groups of researchers; and c) the education research field as a whole (as perceived locally). It considered the impact of the RAE as perceived by different categories of staff and as evidenced by the available RAE-related data and analysis. It focussed on the perceived immediate impact; likely future impacts; and relative impact across different types of institutions and (sub)fields, and over time (including the specific impact of changes in the methodology adopted for RAE in 2008). The review addressed these issues in all countries of the UK. The review was carried out by Dr Alis Oancea with Prof John Furlong and Prof David Bridges. The advisory group consisted of Prof Margaret Brown, King

(Click on an abstract title to view it in PDF format.)

Abstract Code Title
0266 The Impacts of RAE 2008 on Education Research Units across the UK: Findings from the UCET/BERA Review
0283 The Universities and Education: The Implications of the RAE
0290 Research Quality Assessment: Intended and Unintended Consequences

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