The Bera Annual Conference 2009, 2nd - 5th September 2009.


To view all the abstracts being presented at the 2009 BERA Annual Conference Please Click Here

Key Dates for Your Diary

Friday 9th January: Abstract submission deadline for Keynote Symposia.
Friday 23rd January: Abstract submission deadline for Main and Student Conference.
Monday 13th April: Corresponding authors notified of outcome of Main Conference and Keynote Symposia review processes. Corresponding authors of symposia have responsibility for notifying the lead presenters of individual papers of the outcome.
Friday 1st May: Early bird registration deadline will end at 17.00 hrs on the 1st May.
Monday 18th May: Corresponding authors notified of time and date of their presentation. Corresponding authors of symposia have responsibility for notifying the lead presenters of individual papers of the time and date.
Monday 1st June: Lead presenters of papers must register or abstracts will be withdrawn.

Regulations for the Submission of Abstracts

Regulations For Submission

Instructions for the Submission of Abstracts

Keynote Symposia Format
The Keynote Symposia are a special feature of the BERA conference. There will be six 90 minute symposia; three per day on Thursday and Friday during the lunch time period. In order to ensure that the quality of these sessions is high, and that they are likely to warrant this privileged position in the programme, they are selected by open competition. Symposium not chosen for these sessions will automatically be entered into the main conference review process and will be reviewed (using the same criteria) with other submissions.

If you wish to be considered for a Keynote Symposium you may submit only one proposal where you are the lead presenter. The proposal should include an overview (maximum) 400 words together with the title of the symposium and the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the Convenor, Chair and Discussant. It is expected that each symposium has a named Chair and Discussant, as well as a Convenor. An additional supporting statement of (maximum) 600 words, explaining the importance of the research addressed by the symposium (e.g. its timeliness; contribution to new knowledge etc. - see selection criteria below) should also be submitted. The symposium should comprise 3 or 4 individual papers (maximum 6), each submitted with an abstract of (maximum) 1000 words which should include the title and any references. Symposia should be submitted under the SIG which they feel most closely represents the topic area. Colleagues arranging symposia should consider the amount of time they would like to make available for discussion with delegates and plan the number and length of presentations accordingly.

After submission each proposal will be reviewed by two members of BERA Council and/or members of the National Advisory Panel. The selection will be based on a combination of the five criteria for the assessment of all abstracts together with the following four criteria:

The submission will be rated against the 9 criteria on a 6 point scale which will equate to numerical scores covering very good, good, satisfactory, inadequate, weak and very weak. Authors will receive numerical feedback and brief comments.  Please note that the Conference Committee reserve the right to make the final selection of keynote symposium in order to ensure an even spread and good balance of presentations. It is the expectation that presenter(s) should have full written papers, 4000 – 6000 words in length, to distribute in the session.

Student Conference Session Formats

Individual Papers - Not Refereed
Papers are oral presentations of 15- 20 minutes and will be scheduled in 75 minute themed sessions which will normally include 3 or 4 papers. An abstract of (maximum) 600 words should be submitted, this should include the title and any references. When abstracts are submitted they must be linked to the SIG that most closely represents the topic of their paper. The presenter(s) should have full written papers, 4000 – 6000 words in length, to distribute in the session.

Posters - Not Refereed
Posters are largely graphic presentations, which may be accompanied by a (maximum) 5 minute oral presentation. An abstract of (maximum) 600 words should be submitted, this should include the title and any references. When abstracts are submitted they must be linked to the SIG (see listing on page 6) that most closely represents their topic. Poster presenter(s) should have the abstract available, but a written paper of 1000 – 2000 words may also be provided. At the BERA 2009 Annual Conference, a prize will be offered to the best Student Poster (as in 2008).  Posters will be judged at the conference and the prize will be presented during the Student and International Delegates Drinks Reception on Wednesday 2nd September 2009.

Main Conference Session Formats

Symposia - Refereed
Symposia are 90 minute conference sessions, organised by convenors, and usually structured to include 4 papers (maximum 6) or 3 papers and a discussant. The title of the symposium, plus the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the convenor and discussant (where appropriate) and an overview of (maximum) 400 words should be submitted which should address the overall coherence of the papers, together with abstracts of (maximum) 1000 words should be submitted, this should include the title and any references. Guidance on the writing of abstracts can be found below. Presenters(s) of each paper should have a written paper length 4000 – 6000 words, to distribute at the symposium. The symposium must be linked to the SIG that the convenor/corresponding author feel most closely represents the topic. Each symposium is strictly one 90 minutes session. If a group of researchers or a SIG wish to link symposia in the programme they must submit each separately and specify who will present in which symposium. It should be indicated on the on-line submission form that this is part of a linked series. A symposium may be organized more flexibly, for example in the form of a workshop or expert panel discussion, if you think the symposium you wish to submit is of this nature please contact In Conference who will provide further information. Colleagues arranging symposia should consider the amount of time they would like to make available for discussion with delegates and plan the number and length of presentations accordingly.

Individual Papers - Refereed
Papers are oral presentations and will be scheduled in 90 minute themed sessions which will normally include a maximum of 4 papers, each of which will be given approximately 20 minutes for presentation. An abstract of (maximum) 1000 words should be submitted, this should include the title and any references. Guidance on the writing of abstracts can be found below. When abstracts are submitted they must be linked to a SIG that author(s) feel most closely represents the topic of the paper. Presenters(s) should have a written paper, length 4000 – 6000 words, to distribute in the session.

Posters - Not Refereed
Posters are largely graphic presentations, which may be accompanied by a (maximum) 5 minute oral presentation. Poster presenter(s) should have an abstract available, but a written paper of 1000 – 2000 words may be provided. An abstract of 600 words (maximum) should be submitted, this should include the title and any references. When abstracts are submitted they must be linked to the SIG which most closely represents the topic of the paper.

The Review Process

Abstracts submitted for the main conference should not exceed 1000 words and should address the following:

Criteria For The Assessment of Abstracts
All abstracts will be assessed on the following criteria:

In addition, the 400 word overview submitted with the symposium should focus on the overall coherence of the symposium.

Producers For Peer Review

Very good 27-30 recommend definitely accept
Good 23-26 recommend accept
Satisfactory 19-22 recommend accept if possible
Unsatisfactory 15-18 recommend probably reject
Weak 10-14 recommended reject
Very weak 0-9 recommended definitely reject

Papers will be accepted/rejected on the basis of the average total score awarded by two referees.

Feedback on the Review Process
Corresponding authors of individual papers will have access to the scores awarded to their abstracts against each of the criteria and may receive some comments. Corresponding authors of symposium will have access to the scores awarded to individual papers in the symposium and will be responsible for disseminating this information to the presenters of individual papers.

Special Interest Groups

Comparative and International Education
Creativity in Education
Early Childhood
Educational Research and Educational Policy-making
Educational Effectiveness and Improvement
Higher Education
Inclusive Education
Leading and Managing Schools and Colleges
Learning in the Professions
Literacy and Language
Mathematics Education
Mentoring and Coaching
Neuroscience and Education
New Technologies in Education
Philosophy of Education
Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy
Post-Compulsory and Lifelong Learning
Practitioner Research
Primary School Teachers Work
'Race’ Ethnicity and Education
Religious and Moral Education
Research Methodology in Education
Science Education
Social Justice
Social Theory and Education
Socio-cultural and cultural-historical Activity Theory
Teacher Education and Development

There will be a designated SIG area in the exhibition area which you should visit during the conference for more information on individual SIGs.  In addition, SIGs may choose to organise an event on Wednesday morning (2nd September) and there is a SIG Business meeting session on Friday from 14.00 – 15.00 for SIGs to discuss and plan their activities.


Poster boards are 1.00m wide x 2.00m high. It is recommended that displays do not exceed 1.5m in length. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any posters left after this time.

Student and Main Conference Poster Prizes

Prizes will be offered for the Best Student Poster and the Best Main Conference Poster. Posters will be judged according to the following criteria:

Student Poster Display Times: Posters can be displayed from 08.00 on Wednesday 2nd September and must be in place by 15.00 on Wednesday 2nd September.  The prize for the best student poster will be presented at the Student and International Delegates Drinks Reception which takes place from 18.30 – 19.00 on Wednesday the 2nd of September.  Poster must be removed at 12.00 on Saturday 5th September.

Main Conference Poster Display Times: Posters can be displayed from 08.00 on Wednesday 2nd September and must be displayed by 18.00 on Wednesday 2nd September.  The prize for the best main conference poster will be presented at 13.30 on Thursday 3rd September.

Audio Visual

Overhead Projector will be available on request only. A data projector, computer, flipchart, and a screen will be provided in each meeting room. We advise you to bring a copy of your presentation on CD and memory stick. There will be a charge for any other equipment which needs to be hired in, please fill in the Audio Visual section on the abstract submission form and the Conference Organisers will contact you with a cost. There will be a designated SIG area in the exhibition area which you should visit during the conference for more information on individual SIGs.


Conference organisers: In Conference Ltd. - Site by Source